You'll see a smaller version of the Spire and the artifact is just a little ways up the spiral staircase.Īlien artifact 5: North of Corny Complex, up at the old apple orchard across the street from the pizza restaurant. The artifact is in a wooden building in the southwest corner.Īlien artifact 4: Northeast of Believer Beach. You'll see the artifact floating just above the water in the middle of the small lake.Īlien artifact 3: West of Weeping Woods at the Logjam location. It's on the lower level, so all you'll need is one quick ramp to get up there.Īlien artifact 2: Dead center of the map in the "Aftermath" location, AKA the giant pit left by the alien invaders when they ripped the Spire out of the ground. Their placement has a nice semi-cardinal direction layout.Īlien artifact 1: Head to Catty Corner, and go to the two-story platform outside Meowscle's old home. The artifact will be sitting inside.Īnd that’s it for Week 9’s alien artifacts.We're starting off with a modest five alien artifacts in week 1 of Fortnite Season 7. Land there and then search for the shack at its base. Mark the staircase on your map before jumping from the Battle Bus. The last artifact is in a shack near the spiral staircase on the westside of Weeping Woods. If you follow the road heading north of the lake, turn left when coming to a dead end and you’ll run right into the station. The fourth artifact is north of Lazy Lake inside a gas station just east of Aftermath (the giant purple spot on the map). You need to either build up to it or land there after exiting the Battle Bus. Located at an IO Base east of Weeping Woods and west of Lazy Lake, it can be found sitting on the satellite with the glowing red light. The third artifact is a little tricky to get to. It’s in a yellow shack (the only thing on the island) in front of a TV. The second artifact is located on a tiny island exactly west of Holly Hedges. It's located under a raised shack with an entrance that will be blocked off by large stones. The first alien artifact can be found on an island just northwest of Craggy Cliffs. Alien Artifact 5 – located in a shack in Weeping Woods.just like the raiding community as a whole. Just like the previous week, Season 7 Week 2 adds five new Alien Artifact canister locations players can use to collect as many as 20 Artifact pieces. A detailed and translated world map for FFXIV, with pinned location notes for all. Alien Artifact 4 – located north Lazy Lake and east of Aftermath Fortnite Alien Artifact locations for Week 2.Alien Artifact 3 – located just east of Weeping Woods and west of Lazy Lake.Alien Artifact 2 – located west of Holly Hedges on a tiny island.Alien Artifact 1 – located just northwest of Craggy Cliffs on an island.Just make sure you get to each location before any rival players show up. Thankfully, all you have to do is touch an artifact to collect them. One is hidden behind large stones under a shack while another is perched atop an IO base satellite. They all seem harder to find this go around. Week 9 adds five more artifacts to Fortnite’s map. We were able to find a few we missed a few weeks back just recently. Apparently, alien artifacts don't disappear once the week is up. The good news is that you don’t have to collect them all right away. Because of this, each location is usually heavily contested. Note that only one person can pick up each artifact per match.

Up to five artifacts spawn in different places on the island each week, hence these guides.
They’ll unlock various facial features, skin colors, and more. In our Fortnite week 8 alien artifact guide, we explained that Fortnite’s alien artifacts are floating canisters that allow players to customize the new Battle Pass Kymera skin.